Great Ethiopia Run to organize MDG Races in Gambella & Jimma

Building on the success of its EDUCATION for GIRLS series staged for the past 3 years in Jinka, Semera, Jijiga, Gambella, Asosa, Debremarkos and Lalibela, Great Ethiopian Run has selected Gambella and Jimma, two regional towns of Ethiopia, to stage the new race series for 2011.
• MDG Race in Gambella, January 9, 2011 and
• MDG Race in Jimma, January 23, 2011
Registration for these races will be open 10 days prior to the respective races in the towns.
About Great Ethiopian Run (GER) –
Great Ethiopian Run is an independent Non-Profit Organization (NGO) created by athlete Haile Gebrselassie in 2001. One of its objectives is to introduce mass-participation running events throughout Ethiopia. In addition to the annual international 10km road race and the women’s-only 5km race that it organizes, GER also stages many other mass-participation road races in different parts of the country. Since its inception in 2001 Great Ethiopian Run has staged over 60 races in different parts of Ethiopia.
Source: GER