Ethiopian Premier League: Adama City defeats EEPCO 2-0

Addis Ababa – Adama City defeated EEPCO 2-0 in a makeup match of the Ethiopian Premier League played here today reported Ermias Amare on his FaceBook page.
Adama was forced to postpone some of its matches earlier in the year, following the auto accident tragedy a few months ago that injured a number of its players and sadly took the lives of 2 of the club members.
Former St. George FC players, Mohammed Nasser and Amanuel Gidey, who joined Adama City recently, scored the two goals in the second half.
The victory moved Adama four spots up to 6th, and dropped St. George to 7th. The loss didn’t affect EEPCO in the league rankings, as they still maintain the same 13th place.
Meanwhile, Adama will play its remaining two matches next week when it will face Defence Force at home on Tuesday, March 22 and Hawassa City in Yirgalem on Sunday, March 27, 2011.