GFC Grant Approved and Ambassadors’ wives support Fregenet School

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – Global Fund for Children (GFC) has once again supported Fregenet School in Addis Ababa, with a grant of $7,000.00 (seven thousand USD) to support the School’s feeding program.
This is the third year that Fregenet School has coordinated with GFC to insure that Ethiopian school children are fed not only in knowledge and spirit but in body as well.  Last year’s GFC general support grant helped FKL to purchase a photocopier, and start hygiene facilities. On behalf of the needy children benefiting from this year’s grant, Fregenet School would like to express its gratitude to GFC for its continued commitment.
October 2012 brought more good news.  Fregenet School was blessed to receive 65,000.00 (sixty five thousand) Birr donated by a group of ambassadors’ wives in Geneva, Switzerland. Once again the money is dedicated to support FKL’s feeding program. This donation is a welcome development especially in light of the fact that these respected and generous individuals have promised to consider Fregenet School on a continuing basis in appreciation of the school’s efforts to promote the education and welfare of the needy children.
Fregenet School’s feeding program is an essential component of the School’s all round program since children cannot be expected to learn effectively on an empty stomach. For most of our students the meal they receive at school provides their major source of nutrition. The school provides two meals each school day.
As you, our dedicated supporters, should know, philanthropic organizations such as those listed above give to successful, thriving institutions. We could not attract the attention and interest of larger contributions without the foundational underpinning that your support gives us.
Source: Fregenet School