EPHA’s House Launched
The headquarters will also be used as a centre of excellence for public health education and training.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - A cornerstone for the construction of the Ethiopian Public Health Association (EPHA) house was laid On September 14, 2013 by H.E. Dr Kesetebirhan Admassu, Minister of FMoH and Chief Patron of the project and Dr Tewabech Bishaw, President of the Association, on the plot of land received from the municipality of Addis Ababa, located around Kebena area.
Estimated to cost 100 million Birr, the actual construction of the house will soon be commenced over a total of 885 m2 piece of land acquired through a competitive lease bid in June 2011.
The final architectural work, soil taste and issues related to permits of the construction have already been finalized; however a tender for the physical construction of a 2 basement and 7 storey complex building, as designed by MH Engineering is yet to be announced for potential competitors recently.
The EPHA House is expected to serve as a center of excellence for learning, research and development, training, and publications and an open place for public health professionals and sister organizations to network themselves, deliberate and exchange information and thoughts of having public health significance.
“EPHA is a proven long time partner to the FMoH. We have a lot of projects together. The project that stands out, among others, is the Field Epidemiology Training Program which is designed to strengthen the surveillance system in order to respond to public health emergencies in the country.The EPHA has been supporting our strategies in different ways, particularly in terms of developing the skills of health professionals. We will, thus, do everything possible, including financial support to construct the House ” Dr Kesetebirhan affirmed to the invited guests.
He underscored that the FMoH would like to support the construction of the EPHA House for three reasons: EPHA’s past credibility, the recent directive of the Ministry issued on continuing professional development program and the role EPHA is expected to continue to play in policy making in terms of identifying the strengths and weaknesses of government’s health sector strategies and programs.
Upon the conclusion of his speech, Dr Kesetebirhan has pledged that the FMoH will provide a substantial amount of resources for the construction of the EPHA House and will announce the specific figure after having consulted with his management team.

In her welcoming address, Dr Tewabech Bishaw, President of EPHA on her part said that members of the Ethiopian Public Health Association agreed on the need to have a permanent center to successfully carry out its mandated mission of contributing to Ethiopia’s equitable health for all and making stronger international influence in the field, and thereby contribute to the Ethiopian Public Health Association financial self-sufficiency as well.
Founded some 25 years ago with just three staff members and a budget of 25,000 Birr support through the Canadian Public Health Association, EPHA has now reached a level of over 5000 ever registered members, 18 regional chapters with annual budget of 80 million Birr, Dr Tewabech stated.
On the occasion of its 24th general assembly, EPHA established a 12 member resource mobilization core committee led by the President of the Association with the mandate to coordinate and guide the overall resource mobilization activities for the construction of the House.
On the occasion of the launching ceremony of the EPHA house, honorable guests including the Minister of the Federal Ministry of Health and Chief Patron of the EPHA House construction, H.E Dr Kesetebirhan  Admassu, eminent patrons (W/ro Mulu Solomon, Ato Eyesuswork Zafu and Ato Kibur Gena), the diplomatic envoys, as well as representatives of intergovernmental, intentional and local nongovernmental organizations, EPHA’s executive board and advisory council members, EPHA secretariat staff and other invited guests were in attendance.
Source: etpha.org