Birding in Ethiopia
By Steve & Angie Hamberg
Often referred to as the Rooftop of Africa, Ethiopia’s mountain plateaus are home to a great variety of birds and animals. This land of scenic grandeur boasts majestic gorges, high plains, rolling grasslands and juniper forests. Join us as we explore all of these as well as the great escarpment overlooking the northern desert and The Great Rift Valley, which passes through

Ethiopia, with a chain of lakes situated in its lower regions that provides habitat for a host of interesting birds. Throughout the presentation, we will visualize samplings of the over 500 bird species encountered on this trip, as well as several mammal species, including the Ethiopian Wolf and the imposing Gelada Baboon. Not well known by most tourists, Ethiopia has numerous sights that are worth a look. Come visit with us on January 14th.
Steve and Angie enjoy traveling to the more remote places on earth, and to date have been to over 72 different countries, bringing their life list to over 5700 birds seen throughout the world. Steve enjoys these birding breaks between his professional commitments as a local physician. Angie enjoys the beauty and intrigue of wildlife and their natural surroundings and captures some of this with her photography as they share their adventures.
Date & Time: Tuesday, January 14th, 7:00 PM – (Social time 6:15pm)
Place: Hope Church ~ Commons Hall -77 W. 11th Street ~ Holland, MI