U.S. Embassy Awards Student Journalism Competition Winners
Press Release
Embassy donates books to eight universities
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – June 24, 2014 – The U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa presented awards to three university students as part of the Embassy’s second Student Journalism Competition.
The objective of the competition is to encourage students to gain practical experience in journalism that can be applied to their future careers. A panel of judges, including practicing journalists, reviewed the entries and judged them based on content, presentation, use of resources and research materials. The competition was conducted among university and college students throughout the country. Students submitted stories that were published or broadcast in public or private media outlets.
The event was attended by Journalism and Communication Department heads and Community Radio coordinators from eight universities throughout the country. These are the only eight universities with Departments of Journalism and Communication. They participated in a discussion on the nature and importance of community radio. The discussion was moderated by Professor Sam Swan, Director of Internationalization and Outreach at the College of Communication and Information at the School of Journalism and Electronic Media of the University of Tennessee.
Etsubedink Hailu from Mekelle University was the first place winner. Endalkachew Abebe from Haramaya University and Feven Abreham from Hawassa University took second and third places respectively.

The Public Affairs Section of the Embassy also donated collections of journalism and communication books to each of the eight university representatives invited to the event. These books will be available at university libraries for all students to access for research and study purposes. Universities that received the donation are:
- Addis Ababa University
- Mekelle University
- Bahir Dar University
- Hawassa University
- Dilla University
- Jijiga University
- Wollega University
- Madawolabo University
Source: U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia