Designer Profile: Fikirte Addis

Fikirte Addis, the young emerging Designer from Addis Ababa creates cultural everyday wear in Ethiopia. Fikirte started designing in high school enjoying the freedom of creating and experimenting with different designs and fabrics. This hobby and passion has now slowly developed and turned into opening her own label, “Yefikir Design“ (The Love Design) in 2009. Since then, she has been into different fashion events in Addis Ababa, including hub of Africa Fashion Week.
As a psychologist working with children, her other passion, she manages to integrate the two professions to reach out to disadvantaged kids in Ethiopia. As a designer she creates awareness in various sensitive issues regarding children such as child labor by participating in various fundraising and fashion shows which allows her to give back to the community.

Ethiopian fabrics are well known for their sophistication, colorfulness and uniqueness. Yefikr Design is mainly known for turning this fabric into tailored made and fashionable designs without losing its cultural touch for the modern day women. Fikirte believes, “It is important for me not to lose the connection I have to my culture, just giving it a modern twist and bringing it to the international fashion arena” The main fabrics used in all her designs are handmade cotton and the designs are to give comfort with style. Fikirte gets her inspiration from the Ethiopian culture and vibrant environment to reflect the everyday life of the people. She designs from casual to wedding dresses mainly for women.
Yefikir Design
Address: Deluga Building
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Phone: 251.11.860.1052
hi fikirte I really appreciate your designing work and also I want to work with u I have good body strucure can you give me a chance to work with u if u are interested I will send u my picture