Ethiopia’s Football Icon – Fisseha Wolde Amanuel

Today’s guest is Fisseha Wolde Amanuel, once a jewel in the crown of Ethiopian football. He was locally nicked named ‘Koas Fidelu” (The ball artist) considering his dexterity, advanced football skills, tactics and intuitions. The footballer was as well nicknamed “the bombshell,” “the bullet” and what not owing to the way he rockets the ball into the net sometimes bending the blocking hands of goal keepers. To the chagrin of many fans here and at the global arena, innumerable balls he shot were deflected by goal posts.
He was one of the famous versatile footballer Ethiopia ever had. Representing Ethiopia, he as well had played in the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh African Cup of Nations.
He was among the shining stars of St. George football club for some years. During those years the club basked under three consecutive winning streaks. Then he left to the United States of America for higher education.
As he was the linchpin of the Ethiopian national team’s success, he had won the admiration of football fans in the continent and beyond at some stage in his time. Above and beyond, Fisseha had partook in the USA major league soccer with world renowned contemporaries like Pele, Beckenbauer, Johan Cruyff, Eusébio, among others.
He is also one of the founders of Ethiopian Sports Federation in North American (ESFNA). Currently, the Federation comprises thirty three teams .Parallel to soccer development activities, he had served as president of the Federation for five years.
The Ethiopian Herald had a short stay with the Ethiopia football icon Fisseha Wolde Amanuel with the intention of familiarizing his personal and professional life with readers. Excerpts:
Read more at: Ethiopian Herald