35 Hotels under construction in Addis Ababa
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – There are 35 hotels under construction in the Ethiopian capital, according to data from Addis Ababa Culture & Tourism Bureau . Currently, there are 76 star-rated hotels for a total of 6,250 rooms and 7,236 beds. The Bureau claims that six hotels under construction have a five-star rating, fourteen four-stars, 26 three-stars, 26 two-stars and 21 hotels are rated one-star.
In addition, there are 35 internationally franchised hotels under construction while six other globally franchised establishments in operation. The city is also a host to 79 guesthouses and 1,189 pensions. A total of 445 travel and 98 tour agencies are also operating in the capital with 1,129 commercial vehicles servicing the industry. It is reported that the tour and travel agencies are organised under 19 associations.
The hospitality industry in the capital has been shifting for the past seven years, according to Worku Mengesh, communications director of Addis Ababa Culture & Tourism Bureau.
The total contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in 2017 was 121.4 billion Br, and 6.8% of GDP. Furthermore, the total contribution of the travel and tourism sector to employment, including jobs indirectly supported by the industry, was 6.1%c of the total employment hiring of 1.5 million.
“Addis Ababa and Ethiopia are becoming recognized internationally as centres of conference tourism,” he told Fortune.
Source: Addis Fortune