Mexico, Italy Determined to Support Tourism Development in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa –Mexico and Italy have expressed willingness to continue supporting tourism development endeavors in Ethiopia.
Mexico’s Ambassador, Victor M. Trevino told ENA that Ethiopia is a country with many historical sites.
The country’s immense cultural heritages, historical sites, traditional and religious festivals as well as paleontological wealth and the ones inscribed in the World Heritage List puts Ethiopia at the top of any country in Africa in terms of registered heritages.
“In terms of South-South cooperation, I think Mexico will be able support tourism development in Ethiopia,” Ambassador Trevino stated.
The ambassador, who revealed that more than four million tourists visit Mexico every year, added that his country wants to share its best experiences in the sector as Ethiopia is also endowed with best places and historic sites that attract tourists.
The country needs to also promote tourism sites using opportunities like “the best airline Ethiopian.”
He stressed that the country needs to investment more on tourism and tourism-related industries in this beautiful country. “Mexico is ready to support Ethiopia in those endeavors,” Trevino reiterated.
According to him, the economic reform underway in the country would also create opportunity to have more investors in the sector.
Italian Agency for Development Cooperation Head, Tiberio Chiari said on his part “we are looking to sustaining tourism development in Ethiopia as we see huge potential, just not only from economic point of view, but also job creation for youngsters in Ethiopia.”
Furthermore, Chiari stated that his country is looking into the service sector which comprises tourism services, restoration of historical building and heritages, adding that this is one of the sectors in which Italy can show and deploy expertise.
It is to be recalled that the Italian government has been providing financial support for maintaining the obelisk of Axum.
Source: ENA