Against the waves
Insights of the 2014 Irreecha festival By Daniel Dormeyer When they left from Addis Ababa early in the morning of...
Insights of the 2014 Irreecha festival By Daniel Dormeyer When they left from Addis Ababa early in the morning of...
Arba Minch Town, located in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s Regional State of Ethiopia, has celebrated the 50th year...
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia -Â With the idea of celebrating the ancestors and glorifying their work, there will be an exhibition...
By Haile-Melekot Agizew Recently the Ancient Ethiopian Patriots Association, AEPA, voted for Lij Daniel Jote Mesfin to replace the former...
 Ethiopia, Yesterday and Today Ethiopia has a significant history reaching over 3,000 years into the past. The word "Ethiopia"...
No wonder the monastery at Debre Damo has survived unmolested for some 900 years among the vast Tigrayan Mountains of...
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia- It has been said and it is still being said that Ethiopia is a country of unique...
In the month of January, 2014 crew of ranking officials drawn from Ministry of Tourism and Culture(MoTC), House of Federation,...
Dr. Garry Jost, religious studies faculty, joined colleagues from Portland and Texas to digitize Ethiopian manuscripts of the Old Testament while attending...