Derartu Tulu Named Interim President Of Ethiopian Athletics Federation
Addis Ababa, November 15, 2018 –The Executive Committee of the Ethiopian Athletics Federation (EAF) has appointed Derartu Tulu as a...
Addis Ababa, November 15, 2018 –The Executive Committee of the Ethiopian Athletics Federation (EAF) has appointed Derartu Tulu as a...
2018 Female Rising Star nominees (Jean-Pierre Durand / Getty Images / AFP / Kirby Lee) Meseret Belete and Meskerem Mamo...
2018 Male Rising Star nominees (Getty Images) Selemon Barega of Ethiopia has been named as one of the 5 finalists ...
Addis Ababa, November 7, 2018 – The Great Ethiopian Run announced that the 2018 TOTAL Great Ethiopian Run will see...
አዲስ አበባ፣ ጥቅምት 26፣ 2011 (ኤፍ.ቢ.ሲ) ኢትዮጵያዊው አትሌት ሌሊሳ ዴሲሳ በአሜሪካ ኒው ዮርክ ከተማ የተካሄደውን የኒው ዮርክ ማራቶን አሸናፊ መሆን...
አዲስ አበባ፣ ጥቅምት 25፣ 2011 (ኤፍቢሲ) በኢትዮጵያ ፕሪምየር ሊግ የአንደኛ ሳምንት ቀሪ ጨዋታዎችና ሁለተኛ ሳምንት ጨዋታ አዲስ አበባን ጨምሮ በተለያዩ ክልል...
Lelisa Desisa of Ethiopia, winner of New York City Marathon (photo: Desisa and Keitany clock second-fastest times in history,...
በምሥጢረ ኃ/ሥላሴ ባለፉት 120 ዓመታት ውስጥ በታሪክ እንደተዘገበው የመጀመርያው ይፋ (ኦፊሲያል) ጉብኝት ያደረጉት ኢትዮጵያዊ ባለሥልጣን የቀዳማዊ ኃይለ ሥላሴ አባት ልዑል...
Kelkile Gezahegn of Ethiopia (photo credit: Runner-up last year, this time the number one: the Ethiopian Kelkile Gezahegn won...